Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Where is it?

Where is it?
I walked, walked, walked. Jumped and looked around, squatted, and inspected the floor. Leafed through a book, between the pages, between the lines, among hypothetical anagrams.
I climbed a tree and used a cheap binoculars, but still, I could not find it.

Where is it?
I yelled in the wind and underwater a bunch of mumbled words that did not propagate much far. I made a drawing with a sign saying ‘wanted’ and glued it on a tree of a deserted forest. I saw a butterfly and I tried to ask about its whereabouts, but then I realized I could not describe it.

Where is it?
I flew to the other side of the world like in a treasure hunt. I hired a detective for whom I had to tell multiple embarrassing secrets. I took the fruits from my fridge and cut them open to check inside, but all I could find were seeds.

Where is it?
I joined a church, a cult, a pyramid scheme, and then a climate change supporting group, but it was also not there. I went shopping and bought everything I could pay for, then I tried to assemble every item together to try to form it, but it did not emerge.

Where is it?
I had a tea and went to bed to seek it in my dreams. I visited a fortuneteller wondering if it was in my future and she gave me hope to talk to a statistician. I slashed open my chest with a sharp knife to verify if it was inside, but unfortunately, my chest was empty.

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