Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Hate me

 (written in 17/10/18)

Hate me, I bleed you when I'm blind
Kick me, I fancy being hurt
Yesterday I set myself gods to idolize 
Today I look around at huge mirrors
I painted them with the most
Shiny fluorescent colors
But now my own shadows
Equalize our surroundings
Papa was fucking witches
Mama wore a crown of spikes
And I take over all this dirt
My love is a selfish pseudo sacrifice
So I pray a prayer to make me rot slowly
The true phoney believes its deceit
A truly damaged brain forgets everything it learns 
Punch me, I need to stay like the victim
Break my heart and legs, all I need is an excuse
Yesterday I tried harder than Japanese boys
Today I hold the luxury of letting myself go
Look deep into my intense little eyes
And spit over the despair of these almost-tears
Observe the precision of my bloody stingy pain
This time it is for real 
This time, nothing to hold 
Judge me when I vomit abusive honesty
Or emphasize my love by despising all the rest
I built a delusive castle
So rob my reasons to deny my depart
Yesterday I was wearing glasses of sanctification
Today the dust inside me clogs all my holes
And can not see anything but a blur
Underestimate my unsophisticated words of true
So that you remain on a fake shelf
Yesterday my golden path distracted me enough
Today, I search strategies for abandonment
Crucify this inner whore, who lurks here inside
Burning her down to sticky ashes
She is summoned by traits

Monday, April 1, 2019


Who will be able to tell
When it switched inside me?
Was it a word?
A smell, a colour, a sound?
Or maybe it was this silence
That now I hear like meditation music
A post-funeral peace
The calm feeling
 Of a blurry line down the horizon
That smooth relaxation
Of my sweat cooling down 
While my heart decelerates 
And my mind empties itself
By reminiscing what it meant
And forgetting how it felt